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ONE Fight Night 17: Kryklia vs. Roberts Final Weight and Hydration Results + Faceoff

Black Belt Team
ONE Fight Night 17: Kryklia vs. Roberts Final Weight and Hydration Results

BB+ Membership

ONE Championship™ (ONE) today released the ONE Fight Night 17: Kryklia vs. Roberts Final Weight and Hydration Results.


Muay Thai - Heavyweight (Over 225 - 265 lbs)

Roman Kryklia (225.50 lbs, 1.0066) vs. Alex Roberts (233.50 lbs, 1.0199)


Muay Thai - Featherweight (Over 145 - 155 lbs)

Jo Nattawut (153.75 lbs, 1.0112) vs. Luke Lessei (153.75 lbs, 1.0148)


Muay Thai - Catchweight (151.75 lbs)*

Saemapetch Fairtex (150.00 lbs, 1.0116) vs. Mohamed Younes Rabah (151.75 lbs, 1.0091)


Muay Thai - Lightweight (Over 155 - 170 lbs)

Dmitry Menshikov (170.00 lbs, 1.0140) vs. Mouhcine Chafi (170.00 lbs, 1.0184)


Muay Thai - Flyweight (Over 125 - 135 lbs)

Walter Goncalves (134.50 lbs, 1.0176) vs. Jacob Smith (135.00 lbs, 1.0083)

Muay Thai - Catchweight (141 lbs)**

Edgar Tabares (137.50 lbs, 1.0087) vs. Johan Ghazali (141.00 lbs, 1.0244)


Muay Thai - Catchweight (139.75 lbs)***

Nguyen Tran Duy Nhat (139.75 lbs, 1.0116) vs. Denis Puric (134.25 lbs, 1.0132)


Muay Thai - Catchweight (132.25 lbs)****

Thongpoon PK Saenchai (130.50 lbs, 1.0061) vs. Ellis Badr Barboza (132.25 lbs, 1.0241)


Hydration values less than or equal to 1.0250 earn a passing mark, while values greater than or equal to 1.0251 earn a failing mark. Athletes who failed weight and hydration tests were given until 11 p.m. local time to clear tests.


*Rabah will forfeit 25% of his purse to Saemapetch for missing weight. The bout will now be at a catchweight of 151.75 lbs.

**Ghazali will forfeit 50% of his purse to Tabares for missing weight. The bout will now be at a catchweight of 141 lbs.

***Nguyen will forfeit 25% of his purse to Puric for missing weight. The bout will now be at a catchweight of 139.75 lbs.

****Both fighters missed weight and have agreed on a 132.25 lb. catchweight (Thongpoon vs. Barboza)

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