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The Karate Breaker - Movie

The Karate Breaker
The Karate Breaker Starring Gary Wasniewski


Released late 2023 - Worldwide

Starring and Directed by Karate Star/Film Director Gary Wasniewski

The Karate Breaker movie brings back a dramatic action and storyline of Death, Rage and one man's lone fight for justice! The pain and suffering of a Father who takes on Evil Drugs Gangs/Murderers.

Set in locations London, Houston and Orlando. 

In a world of rules and regulations and political correctness, this man does not care about these rules.

He risks all for his dead son, not knowing what will happen? But knowing he must risk his life and soul for what is right.

But at what cost? Can he succeed? Can he do the impossible in a world of hate, false actions, corruption and death?

The storyline mirrors much of present day life, where righteousness, truth and fighting for the right principles is a thing of the past.

The movie gives a message that only the viewer will relate too, in a world which we live in now, where we know what is right but are afraid to speak out the words or actions of righteousness and truth.

The Karate Breaker is an Action movie because it's about now, but also about the past and future of society.

The Karate Breaker is also a movie that will touch everyone in a different way: Men, Women, Boys or Girls.

Based on a story that is never ending in society worldwide, should we condemn or support the rights of the individual?

Don't miss it! Released to download and dvd.

The Karate Breaker

www.facebook/GaryWasniewski Film Actor/Director

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